本学会会長で筑波大学大学院教授、ヒューマン・ケア科学専攻長宗像恒次氏は、これまでの健康心理学や健康心理療法の分野の世界的貢献を評価され、2010年3月に英国ケンブリッジの INTERNATIONAL BIOGRAPHICAL CENTRE から 2000 OUTSTANDING INTELLECTUALS OF THE 21st CENTURY(21世紀の代表する知識人賞)を受賞されました。これがヘルスカウンセリング学会 Academy for Health Counseling の世界的な知名度の向上につながることを期待するものであります。
International Publications
- Onuoha F N, Munakata T, Serumaga-Zake P A E, Nyonyintono R M, Bogere S M: Negative Mental Health Factors in Children Orphaned by AIDS Natural Mentoring as a Palliative Care. AIDS and Behavior, 13:980-988, 2009.
- Donoyama N, Munakata T: Trait anxiety among Japanese massage practitioners with visual impairment: what is required in Japanese rehabilitation education? , THE BRITISH JOURNALOFVISUALIMPAIRMENT, 27(1):235-47, 2009.
- Maeda T, Kurihara H, Morishima I, Munakata T: The Effect of Psychological Intervention on Personality Change, Coping, and Psychological Distress of Japanese Primary Breast Cancer Patients, CANCER NURSING 31(4): E27-E35, 2008.
- Tanaka K, Munakata T: Examining Effects of Human Relation Skill Using Genetic Temperament Concept on Stress Management: 3-month-followup Intervention. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURED ASSOCIATION TECHNIQUE 2:36-62, 2008.
- Kobayashi K, Munakata T: Shift in Frequency of Voice Accompanied with Emotional Change in a Change in a Cancer Patient. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURED ASSOCIATION TECHNIQUE 2:63-75, 2008.
- Maeda T, Munakata T: The effect of appropriate eating habits, depressive state, and social support on postoperative symptom experience among Japanese postgastrectomy patients. Gastroenterology Nursing, 31(6):423-9, 2008.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: Building SAT Therapy to Activate Anti-Cancer Genes and Immunologic Function for Cancer Treatment. International Journal of Structured Association Technique 1: 3-35, 2007.
- Kei-ichiro Kobayashi, Sayuri Hashimoto, Ryoichi Obitsu, Kazuo Murakami, Tsunetsugu Munakata: Treatment of Patients With Cancer for Stressful Emotion Transmitted from Ancestry by Using Genetic and Immunologic Data as Barometers. International Journal of Structured Association Technique, 1: 36-58, 2007.
- Noriko Higuchi, Sayuri Hashimoto, Tsunetsugu Munakata: SAT Self-image Script Changing Therapy for Psychogenic Visual Disturbance. International Journal of Structured Association Technique, 1: 59-78, 2007.
- Eva, N.A., Munakata, T. & Onuoha, F.N. Demographic Correlates of Constant Condom Use among Sex Workers in Tangail, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Adolescence, (42) 168:795-805, 2007.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: Building SAT Therapy to Activate Anti-Cancer Genes and Immunologic Function for Cancer Treatment. International Journal of Structured Association Technique, 1:3-35, 2007.
- Kei-ichiro Kobayashi, Sayuri Hashimoto, Ryoichi Obitsu, Kazuo Murakami, Tsunetsugu Munakata: Treatment of Patients With Cancer for Stressful Emotion Transmitted from Ancestry by Using Genetic and Immunologic Data as Barometers. International Journal of Structured Association Technique, 1:36-58, 2007.
- Noriko Higuchi, Sayuri Hashimoto, Tsunetsugu Munakata: SAT Self-image Script Changing Therapy for Psychogenic Visual Disturbance. International Journal of Structured
- Association Technique, 1:59-78, 2007. Takako Maeda, Francis N. Onuoha, Tsunetsugu Munakata: The Effect of Postoperative Symptom Experience, and Personality and Psychosocial Factors on Depression among Postgastrectomy Patients in Japan, Gastroenterology Nursing, 29 (6): 437-444, 2006.
- Sayuri Hashimoto, Tsunetsugu Munakata, and Youichi Okutomi: A Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Study on the Exercise Behavior and Life Stress of Participants in a Community Health Promotion Program for Elderly and Middle-aged People, International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 4:555-569,2006.
- Chenying Liu, Tsunetsugu Munakata, Francis N. Onuoha: Mental Health Condition Of The Only-Child: A Study of Urban and Rural High School Students in China, Adolescence 40 (160) 831-845, 2005.
- Francis N. Onuoha and Tsunetsugu Munakata: Implications of Amae for HIV Risk in Japanese Young Adults, Adolescence 40 (158) 397-402, 2005.
- Jessica P. Campano, Tsunetsugu Munakata: Anger and Aggression among Filipino Students. Adolescence39 (156) 757-764, 2004.
- Linda G. Bell, Hisako Dendo, Yojiro Nakata, David C. Bell, Tsunetsugu Munakata, Shin-Ichi Nakamura: The Experience of Family in Japan and the United States:Working with the Constraints Inherent in Cross-Cultural Research. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 3:351-373, 2004.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: SAT Imagery Therapy for Families with Shu-in Kids. Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine 42:37-46, 2003.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: The Traditional 'Image-Based' Approach to Healing in Japan: Initial Findings Stella R. Quah and L, Jan Slikkerver. (ed.), Traditional Healing Systems: Negotiating Science and Technology Challenges, pp. 129-142, the Netherlands: Leiden University, 2003.
- Anesaki M. and Tsunetsugu Munakata: Health, illness, and health policy in Japan. The Blackwll Companion To Medical Sociology , Cockerham W. C. (ed.), Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, pp. 441-455. 2001.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: Social Health and Problems-HIV/AIDS, International Journal of Japanese Sociology (6):147-162, 1997.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata and Tajima K: Japanese risk behaviors and their HIV/AIDS preventive behaviors, AIDS Education and Prevention 8(2): 115-135, 1996.
- Mary-Jo D V Good, Tsunetsugu Munakata, Y. Kobayashi, C. Mattingly and B.J. Good: Oncology and Narrative Time, Soc, Sci. Med. 38(6): 855-862, 1994.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: AIDS in Japan、Akashi Shoten, Tokyo, pp.1-170, 1994.
- Good M., Hunt L., Tsunetsugu Munakata. , Kobayashi Y.: A Comparative Analysis of the Culture of Biomedicine: Disclosure and Consequences for Treatment in The Practice of Oncology、Conrad P. and Gallagher E. (eds.): Medicine across Societies, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 1993.
- Good M., Tsunetsugu Munakata., Kobayashi Y.: Temps narratif et incertitude en medecine clinique: Anthropologie et Societes. Folies/espaces de sens, 12 (1- 2):79-98, 1993.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata:Effective Health Policy for AIDS Prevention in Japan: Suggestions from International KABP Comparison, Shunichi Araki(ed.): Behavioral Medicine, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp.223-228, 1992.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata et al.: Report of the Second Meeting, Steering Committee on Behavioral Research. Global Programme on AIDS. World Health Organization, 1990.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: Stress-Coping Style and Traditional Care Utilization in Japan, S. Quah(ed.), The Triumph of Practicality: Tradition and Modernity in Health Care Utilization in Selected Asian Countries, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1989.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: The Sociocultural Significance of Diagnostic Label "Neurasthenia" in Japan's Mental Health Care System, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 13(2):203-213, 1989.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: Socio-Cultural Factors of Japanese Attitudes toward Mental illness and Mental Health Delivery System, pp.69-96: D.Y.H.Wu and K.Sonoda (eds.), Modernization of East-Asian Medicine, East-West Center & Korean UNESCO, 1986.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: Japanese Attitudes toward Mental Health and Mental Health Care, pp.367-378: T.S.Lebra and W.P.Lebra(eds.), Japanese Culture and Behavior - Selected Readings, Revised Edition, University of Hawaii Press, 1986.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: Sociocultural Background of the Mental Health System in Japan, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 10(4):351-365, 1986.
- Tsunetsugu Munakata: Psycho-Social Influence on Self-Care of the Hemodialysis Patient, Social Science and Medicine, 16(13):1253-1264, 1982.